Last edited 08 May 2024

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BRE Group Researcher Website

Installing fire doors and doorsets (GG 86)

BRE (Building Research Establishment) is an independent, research-based consultancy, testing and training organisation, operating in the built environment and associated industries.

On 5 June 2017, BRE published Installing fire doors and doorsets (GG 86) written by Tom Lennon, Andy Russell, Ian Stewart and Mark Cummings.

Installing fire doors and doorsets GG 86.jpg

Fire safety for building occupants is maintained through the provision of adequate means of escape in the event of a fire and by ensuring the fabric of a building does not contribute significantly to fire growth in the early stages following ignition.

Fire doors serve three main purposes:

GG 86 is a 12-page Good Building Guide highlighting the importance of installing fire doorsets and shutters correctly to ensure the safety of building occupants and the protection of property. Key issues are identified and references provided to more comprehensive guidance documents. The Guide explains the importance of adequate testing, product quality, installation and maintenance, as well as the role of third-party certification schemes.

It is intended for specifiers, manufacturers, contractors and approval authorities.

The contents of the guide are:

--BRE Group

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